
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Music: Little Red Riding Hood's Literary Mixtape from Flavorwire

Flavorwire has a Literary Mixtape series where they create playlists for fictional characters. Along with Sherlock Holmes, Scarlett O'Hara and Jane Eyre, they have Little Red
"Little Red Riding Hood begins the story as a paragon of virtue — wandering through the woods on an innocent mission, and easily led astray by the pretty flowers in the forest. In many ways, this is a fitting Valentine’s Day story — a virginal young girl ventures into the woods in an alluring cloak of the deepest red. Her innocence is stolen and her body compromised by a wolf of a man, before she is rescued by another, princely figure who rescues her. Like vampires, wolves (or werewolves) have a sexual, romantic connotation, ravishing their victims, taking them into their arms and mouths. Anyway, we’ll stop. We think Little Red Riding Hood would be struggling with her innocence post-wolf incident, clinging to the youthful, pretty songs she picked flowers to, while opening her world to new things. Also, we really think she’d be into mostly female singers, for some reason. Girl power and all that. Here are the songs we think our Little Red would get lost, get eaten, and get revenge to."
In light of our recent posts regarding Little Red (Red-Handed, Red), I love the interpretation that she has to come to terms with who she was before the events with the wolf, and who she is after.

Her songs include:
"The Woods" -- Stars
This is a song for getting lost in the woods, especially with a companion that might just eat your heart. “That day we walked a little deeper / Breathless, lost and too alive to stop” Plus, all little girls (and many big girls) love Stars.
“Fool That I Am” – Etta James
Ah, the classic song of an innocent woman fooled by a seductive man who did nothing but hurt her. Don’t worry, Etta, Little Red will avenge you.
“Werewolf” – Cat Power (Michael Hurley cover)
This kind of sexy, kind of scary version of Michael Hurley’s classic song of the wolf might be just the kind of thing that the newly wise to the world Riding Hood would listen to after her liberation from the wolf’s belly, perhaps while lying on her bed and rolling the events of the fated day around in her head.

“Kiss With A Fist” – Florence and The Machine
Revenge music — perhaps a soundtrack for that time that Little Red filled up the wolf’s body with stones and let him die.
You can listen to the songs right on the page, thanks to a Grooveshark Widget.

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